10/21/19 Session Recording - Katy Mamen Presenting the LA Water Resilience Social System Map
Thank you to Katy Mamen for her wonderful presentation of the LA Water Resilience Network Social System Map. It was inspiring to see Katy's great work, and we had a good conversation in the after-half-hour. As part of the after-half-hour conversation we decided to start a post in our online community where we can share the best practices that are emerging from our discussion. You can find that post here. Please contribute your thoughts!
10/7/19 Session Recording - Ben Roberts Presenting the What Now?! Social System Map
Thank you so much to Ben Roberts! It was inspiring to hear about the way's he's and other What Now?! partners are using their new map :-) And thanks as well to everyone who showed up and asked great questions! The video when not screensharing is pretty pixellated. But the map sharing isn't as bad and the audio is fine. Worth watching Ben's presentation part (at roughly 21:15) because of how he's using his map.
9/9/19 Session Recording - Stephanie Nestlerode and Maya Townsend Presenting Wimberley Valley Works Social System Map
This was a great session! Thanks so much to Stephanie and Maya! Map sharing starts at about 8:10 Further good discussion btwn Stephanie, David Wilcox & Christine at 1:03:50 Doesn't include Tim's Tech Tips session.
Hello from London
Hi - I'm David Wilcox, based in London and working with self-styled network obsessive Drew Mackie from Edinburgh (see intro). We've known each other since the 1980s and worked together on regeneration partnerships, community engagement, workshops games and most recently how to use network mapping to support community and network building. I started my working life as a journalist, with seven years on the London Evening Standard as planning correspondent. That was interesting as a way to help stop
6/17/19 Session Recording - Walk Through Several Social System Maps & sumApp Set-Up
Here's a link to the transcript
Introducing a network obsessive
Hi everyone - I'm Drew Mackie, based in Scotland but working all over the UK with occasional sallies into wider Europe and the US. I've been mapping networks digitally for around 10 years but have been interested in the network interactions of agencies and communities over 50 years (OK - I'm an old guy). A lot of this interest was connected with the design of large scale negotiation games for corporate and government clients - I'm a past Chair of the International Simulation and Gaming Association
MasterMappers Presents: SSM v SNA + Stats
A conversation with Maya Townsend of Partnering Resources about the differences between how you can use statistics in a Social- or Organizational Network Analysis vs in a Social System Map. Conversation partners are the MasterMappers Sarah Shanahan of the RE-AMP network, Lisa Negstad of Negstad Consulting, Jim Best and Christine Capra.
Hey! How do I engage with the community?
You can only submit tickets and comment in the community if you're logged into the knowledge base platform at help.sum-app.net. If you're finding this knowledge base & community from inside of your sumApp account - you can't interact from there (yet!). You need to go log into help.sum-app.net. Sorry about the hassle! We need to get some annoying validation functions set up before you can engage from inside of sumApp itself :-)
I'm Maya Townsend and happy to be part of this community! I live outside Boston, MA, where I run a business called Partnering Resources. We specialize in bringing diverse groups together to address complex system challenges. I've been doing Organization Network Analysis for about 12 years now. Most of my work has been working with intact, bounded samples where we know all who are part of the network. I've helped Employee Resource Groups to measure how their work yields concrete results, organizations
I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I'm Sarah Ann Shanahan, Community Manager for the RE-AMP Network where I focus on fostering connections and collaboration between people- online, in-person, in-state and across state. Created in 2004, the RE-AMP Network is a generative social impact network, whose unique network approach to Think Systemically, Act Collaboratively, has transformed the way that climate and energy groups in the upper Midwest work toward equitable deep decarbonization. I'm
Welcome to the Greater than the Sum Community
Welcome to the Greater than the Sum community! We're all about visualizing the currently invisible dynamics in systems that can enable transformation. We're about collectively making a real and lasting difference. We prioritize equity and regenerating our natural systems. And in service to those higher purposes, we're here help one another learn Social System Mapping, from: Sharing the vision and catalyzing a project, to Using sumApp, Kumu, and other data visualization tools to create Social System