

I'm Maya Townsend and happy to be part of this community! I live outside Boston, MA, where I run a business called Partnering Resources. We specialize in bringing diverse groups together to address complex system challenges.

I've been doing Organization Network Analysis for about 12 years now. Most of my work has been working with intact, bounded samples where we know all who are part of the network. I've helped Employee Resource Groups to measure how their work yields concrete results, organizations use network thinking to collaborate across the globe, leaders use network results to develop their leadership practices. I've worked with many tools, including sumApp (of course!), InFlow, NetForm, OrgMapper, and NodeXL.

Lately, I've been branching out to do work on Social System Analysis, where the sample is broad and members can't be easily or clearly identified. My work here has included mapping connections within a regional area and among people working on issues related to developmental disabilities.

I care deeply about maintaining the quality and integrity of the work we do, so I'm happy to help people conceptualize their projects and determine if / how ONA or SSA is a good match for their needs (schedule permitting, of course).

Looking forward to meeting others here!

    Upcoming Events

      • Announcements

      • Welcome to the Greater than the Sum Community

        Welcome to the Greater than the Sum community! We're all about visualizing the currently invisible dynamics in systems that can enable transformation. We're about collectively making a real and lasting difference. We prioritize equity and regenerating our natural systems. And in service to those higher purposes, we're here help one another learn Social System Mapping, from: Sharing the vision and catalyzing a project, to Using sumApp, Kumu, and other data visualization tools to create Social System
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