DeepDive - Session Recording - 4/18/22 - Thinking about our roles in the world, in networks, and in Social System Mapping

DeepDive - Session Recording - 4/18/22 - Thinking about our roles in the world, in networks, and in Social System Mapping

We all play different roles in our communities, in our work, in our families, etc.. These roles shape and reflect our relationship to the world around us. They inform our identity and how we interact. How do we identify and honor that relationship-to-something-larger in our collective practices? Who do we want to show up as in these times of transition? How do we capture the deeper meaning and potential of our 'roles' in our maps? This DeepDive is a discussion about roles that we will use to inform a new topic for OUR CoP map, and that we hope will inform your thinking about roles in your own maps.

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