The sumAPP & Kumu dance ... some of the steps, Arthur Murray-style

The sumAPP & Kumu dance ... some of the steps, Arthur Murray-style

I have been using sumApp with Kumu for a couple years now. There are a lot of moving parts to keep track of when you build a project. The tendency is to dive right in ... and as you go you remember to do this and add that and what about those? How do you estimate your work-time if you can't even remember all the tasks?

Here's a  a first-draft diagram that might help. I  needed it and so might you. Try it out and let me know what I missed. Or fork it and post your version. Much obliged!

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        Welcome to the Greater than the Sum community! We're all about visualizing the currently invisible dynamics in systems that can enable transformation. We're about collectively making a real and lasting difference. We prioritize equity and regenerating our natural systems. And in service to those higher purposes, we're here help one another learn Social System Mapping, from: Sharing the vision and catalyzing a project, to Using sumApp, Kumu, and other data visualization tools to create Social System
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