In most instances, a good Social System Map requires a minimum of three different kinds of thinkers. We call these the 'thinking hats'. Of
course there are more 'thinking hats' than just these three. And more
thinking types are valuable to the mapping process, but in our
experience, without someone having strengths in at least those three
mental skill-sets, a project falls flat somewhere along the way. The
potential it represents never gets accessed.
Of course, we're all multi-dimensional, complex human beings, no-one wants to get put in a box, and some of us CAN and WANT to wear more than one hat in a project (as well as in life :-) )
Still - it's rare that one person is really strong in all three areas. And our dominant thinking habits can put us in a rut. This means that
at it's best, Social System Mapping is inherently and inevitably a collaboration
among very different thinking types
And even if you are that rare Unicorn who can be creative across the whole range of skills, it's useful to keep in mind which hat you're wearing at different times. Wearing them all at once often makes you do a mushy job.